HISTORY - Mudge Murals

Time may have faded some of the Murals, of the late Graeme Mudge. But these photos will bring back memories of Graeme's amazing skill as an artist. Having met with him in his home studio in late 2011 - and with his endorsement to go take photos and display them on our website, we trust that all will find them a delight and blessing to brighten your day.



Gisborne Mudge Bus Shelter 800x244

Here you will find 'NINE' of Graeme Mudge's wonderful Murals: * 'Town Crier' Mural; * Forestry Walk Mural; * War Memorial Theatre Mural; * Children's Train Station Mural; * Churchill Park Gaol-Jail: * Time of Sails; * Triathlon Club Murals; * Post Office & Magistrates Court Murals; * Watties Wall Mural . . . more will be added in days to come . . .